Privacy policy

Storebuddy's personal data policy was last revised in May 2018.

1. Data controller

Storebuddy ApS
Nørregade 28 D
1165 Copenhagen K, Denmark

CVR: 35663703


2. collection of sensitive personal data

At Storebuddy, we collect personal data about your company and at least one of its employees. We do this in order to provide a service to your company.

If you have a personally owned business, we collect the following personal data about you and your business:

  • Company name
  • Company CVR number
  • Company email address
  • Company phone number
  • Company payment card details (only applies to paying customers)
  • First name of company contact person
  • Last name of the company contact person
  • Email of the company contact person
  • Phone number of the company contact person

We do not collect personal data about you as an individual from third parties.

However, we do collect information via cookies,you can see our cookie policy here.

We collect personal data via cookies to facilitate the use of our service and to market our services to you. The latter also applies even if you are not yet a customer but have only visited our websites.

If we send you specific questions/questionnaires, your participation is voluntary. Surveys will be initiated to optimise our services to you.

The processing basis for the collection of personal data via our surveys is your consent.

Your consent can be revoked at any time.

If you wish to withdraw your consent, simply notify us and we will delete the collected data.


3. Use of personal data

Our interest in your personal data is to be able to provide our service to you and the company you represent.

This includes our interest in optimising our services and advising you as a customer or potential customer about our services. This includes targeted marketing.

We do not disclose your personal data to third parties. Unless an agreement has been made with you.

In order to deliver our services and market ourselves to you, we use a number of subcontractors. You can find an overview of oursubcontractors here, as well as the purpose of their use.


3.1 Get access to the collected data

If you want to know what data we have collected about you and the company you represent, simply contact our customer service, who will take care of the task.

3.2 Objections and erasure

If you wish to object to the collected data or ask for it to be removed, this should also be done through our customer service department.

If disputes or similar arise, you have the opportunity to complain tothe Danish Data Protection Agency.

We store your personal data as long as we have an active customer relationship with you/the company you represent.

When the customer relationship has ended, you have the option to have your data removed. In this case, please contact our customer service.

3.3 Data portability

Your access to receive data from Storebuddy is regulated in our terms and conditions, which you can find here.

3.4 Storebuddy as data processor

In accordance with the GDPR regulation, Storebuddy acts as data processor for the personal data you/the company you represent process.

If you are a customer, you can find our data processing agreement via our application.

You can find an example of how the agreement looks here.

3.5 Updating the personal data policy

In case of changes to our privacy policy, we will make you aware of this via our websites.