Cookie policy

This website uses cookies for the following purposes:

Measuring traffic volumes and road user behaviour. Data is used to optimise the website so that you as a user get the most relevant and best possible experience when using the site.

1. Data controller

Storebuddy ApS
Købmagergade 22 2nd floor
1150 Copenhagen K, Denmark

CVR: 35663703

2. Cookies on this website

This website uses cookies for the purposes described above. A cookie is a small text file that is stored in your browser to recognise your computer on return visits. There is no personal information stored in our cookies and they cannot contain viruses.

2.1 How long cookies are stored

Cookies delete themselves after a certain number of months (may vary), but they are renewed after each visit.

2.2 How to delete cookies

See instructions here:

2.3 How do I avoid cookies?

If you do not wish to receive cookies, you can block them. See instructions here:

2.4. What cookies are used for on our website

Cookies are used to keep statistics on the number of users and information about gender, age, geography and interests of our users to customise content and optimise the user experience.

2.5. Which cookies are used on our websites

Below you can see which cookies are used on the website.

  • Google Tagmanager
  • AdWords - Remarketing
  • Facebook pixel - Remarketing
  • Zendesk - Contact form
  • Hotjar - Sales page optimisation