

Save time on bookkeeping with the Storebuddy integration for Prestashop!

Is your webshop developed in Prestashop? - Then we can help you!

Prestashop is an open-source software for building webshops. Because Prestashop is open-source, the possibilities for customization are endless and you own the source code. Prestashop is module-based, so you are not forced to use certain features. You choose which modules you want to use. 

Storebuddy has created reports that can identify errors down to the order level. So if you withdraw too much, too little, forget to withdraw, forget to refund, or otherwise make mistakes that create differences and extra costs for the bookkeeper - we know where the error is.

We integrate with

Financial systems:

Storebuddy-integration til Billy
Storebuddy-integration til Dinero
Storebuddy-integration til e-conomic
Storebuddy-integration til Microsoft Dynamics Business Central 365
Storebuddy-integration til Uniconta

Payment gateways:

Storebuddy-integration til Altapay
Storebuddy-integration til Billwerk+
Storebuddy-integration til Freepay
Storebuddy-integration til OnPay
Storebuddy-integration til Pensopay
Storebuddy-integration til Quickpay
Storebuddy-integration til Swiipe
Storebuddy Shipmondo Payments integation
Storebuddy Shopify Payments integation
Storebuddy Flatpay integration


Storebuddy Clearhaus integation
Storebuddy Klarna integation
Storebuddy Nets integation
Storebuddy Pensopay integation
Storebuddy Shopify integation
Storebuddy Stripe integation
Storebuddy Shipmondo Payments integation
Storebuddy Rapyd integration
Storebuddy Elavon Integration
Storebuddy Flatpay-integration

Storebuddy automates the booking of orders and credit notes so you don't have to manually enter orders into your accounting programme. You also don't have to create credit notes manually when you receive a return from your customer or an order is cancelled.

Why choose Storebuddy?

  • One login for a complete overview of your online shops
  • Save time posting orders, credit notes, payments, refunds, gift card sales and payments, and acquirer payouts/fees
  • Easily find errors with our reconciliation reports
  • Save money on the accountant/bookkeeper
  • Accurate bookkeeping that gives you insight into your business
  • Supports One-Stop VAT and VAT registration in multiple countries
  • Free support by email, chat, phone and online meetings

Get 10 days free use of Storebuddy

Click here to book a free onboarding - we'll help you get started with your integration all the way.
Read here how to integrate your Prestashop webshop with Storebuddy and findmore help in our help centre

Read more on the Prestashop website